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Alec Ward's Profile

Profile photo of Alec Ward
  • Member Since: 19/08/2012
  • Bio: Alec is a history graduate from the University of East Anglia, now flung into the big wide adult world. Based in the UK, he’s a historian by day and writer by day also. Reviewing games has become a hobby of his, but who wouldn’t want to make a career out of their hobby! Alec loves all types of games, his collection containing anything and everything from Viva Piñata to GTA. He plays them all on his tried and trusted XBOX 360, the original white 20GB console. Old school at its best. You can follow Alec on Twitter or Google+.

Recent Posts

Posted on 18/04/2013
Posted on 16/04/2013
Posted on 22/03/2013
Posted on 17/03/2013
Posted on 02/10/2012
Posted on 01/10/2012
Posted on 17/09/2012
Posted on 29/08/2012

Recent Comments

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Comment on The Walking Dead Review - Episodes 1 & 2 Episode 3's just been released on the PSN and XBOX Live. If you're not playing it yet you should be! …
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Comment on The Walking Dead Review - Episodes 1 & 2 Thanks man. You should definitely check out the full game. Really brings me back to the old Monkey Island days. …