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Mass Effect 3 Trailer: Take Earth Back

Bioware and EA have just released the latest addition to their Mass Effect 3 marketing arsenal. This epic new trailer titled “Take Earth Back” is made entirely out of CGI, and runs for just over 2 min.

This latest Mass Effect 3 trailer for Bioware’s first person shooter starts off with a little girl playing in a field of sunflowers while space shuttles fly by. Suddenly the space ships are shot down by Reapers which touch down on earth and begin killing everyone in sight. About halfway through the trailer, Commander Shepard shows up with an army and gets to work fighting off the invaders.

Be sure to read our epic Mass Effect 3 Review or download any of our Free ME3 Wallpapers.

Mass Effect 3: Take Earth Back Trailer


Mass Effect 3 will complete the current story. Apparently this will be the last game starring Commander Shepard. For better or worse, his fight against the Reapers will have a definite end. According to Bioware though, the series will live on, indicating that Mass Effect 4 could be a prequel…

Mass Effect 3 - Take Earth Back Trailer

If this cinematic Mass Effect 3 trailer leaves you wanting more, you’ll be happy to hear that Bioware released an additional Extended Cut Trailer today, which you will of course find right here. Bioware posted the following on their official Mass Effect Twitter account when asked if they had a longer version of the trailer: “You will find out in two days! We are glad you loved this cut.”

Mass Effect 3: Take Earth Back Cinematic Trailer (Extended Cut)


Mass Effect 3 will be released on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on 6 March 2012.






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  1. Tony Lee says
    29/02/2012, 6:55 am

    I heard earlier today that a place in southern china banned mass effect because of a lesbian encounter! Whats your thoughts about that stuff? I mean is it really that serious… People have their own rights and freedom we shouldn`t really go against that but thats just my opinion!

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      29/02/2012, 11:18 am

      Our thoughts on that? We love lesbian encounters… LOL

      Just kidding…

      We actually heard that the ban on Mass Effect due to the lesbian encounter was in Singapore, and that the ban was later lifted. Where did you hear that China banned it? ME isn’t on any China banned list we have seen.

      Certain countries will always ban games or movies if they conflict with their religion, history, culture or even political agendas, but nothing that a bit of editing and releasing of country specific versions can’t take care of… Personally, we don’t think anyone should miss out on a lesbian encounter with a human and an alien… but then again, who are we to judge… ;-)

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  2. Profile photo of Christopher A. Carlson
    29/03/2012, 10:08 am

    The original Mass Effect stirred a bunch of controversy when it debuted in 2007 due to a couple of scenes with a little bit of sexual content–nothing you wouldn’t see in a PG-13 movie, or on any show on FOX ;). I remember a lady whose name I can’t remember tried to get it banned in the US–and gamers across the internet shot that notion down faster than a mass relay jump ;)

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